1.  1972.  Daniel Laferrière.  "Similarity and Contiguity Processes in the Dream-Work,"  Sub-Stance 3, 39-52.

2.  1973.  _______________.  "Splitting of the Ego and Non-Uniform Deixis of the First Person Singular Pronoun in Alexander Blok's 'Neznakomka',"  Working Papers of the Russian School 1, 1-16.

3.  1973.  _______________.  "The Poet and his Analyst,"  Sub-Stance 7, 149-153.

4.  1974.  _______________.  "Automorphic Structures in the Poem's Grammatical Space," Semiotica 10, 333-350.

5.  1976.  _______________.  "Potebnja, Shklovskij, and the Familiarity/ Strangeness Paradox," Russian Literature 4, 175-198.

6.  1976.  _______________.  "The Writing Perversion," Semiotica 18, 217-233.

7.  1976.  _______________.  "The Subject and Discrepant Use of the Category of Person," Versus: Quaderni di studi semiotici 14, 93-104.

8.  1977.  _______________.  "What is Semiotics?," Semiotic Scene 1, 2-4.

9.  1977.  _______________.  "Free and Non-Free Verse," Language and Style 10, 79-85.

10.  1977.  _______________.  "Of Semioticians and Slavists," Semiotic Scene 1 (No. 4), 28-33.

11.  1977.  _______________.  "Contiguity Breeds Similarity," Proceedings of the First Annual Meeting of the Semiotic Society of America, ed. Charls Pearson and Hope Hamilton-Faria, 69-75.

12.  1978.  _______________.  "Semiotica Sub Specie Sovietica," Poetics and Theory of Literature 3, 437-454.

13.  1978.  Daniel Rancour-Laferriere.  "The Identity of Gogol's 'Vij'," Harvard Ukrainian Studies 2, 211-234.

14.  1979.  Daniel Laferrière.  "Ingarden and Husserl Versus Literary Semiotics," Semiotica 26, 181-196.

15.  1979.  _______________.  "Making Room for Semiotics," Academe: Bulletin of the AAUP 66, 434-440. 

16.  1979.  _______________.  "Structuralism and Quasi-Semiotics," Semiotica 25, 307-318.

17.  1979.  _______________.  "Iambic Versus Trochaic: The Case of Russian," International Review of Slavic Linguistics 4, 81-136.

18.  1979.  Daniel Rancour-Laferriere.  "Speculations on the Origin of Visual Iconicity in Culture," Ars Semeiotica 2, 173-185.

19.  1979.  _______________.  "Symmetry, Asymmetry, and Antisymmetry," Poetics and Theory of Literature 4, 345-358.

20.  1979.  _______________.  "Subjectivity and Discrepant Use of the Category of Person," A Semiotic Landscape: Proceedings of the First Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies, eds. S. Chatman, U.Eco and J. Klinkenberg.  Mouton, The Hague, 528-32.

21.  1979.  _______________.  "Some Semiotic Aspects of the Human Penis,"  Versus: Quaderni di studi semiotici 24, 37-82.

22.  1980.  _______________.  "Semiotics, Psychoanalysis, and Science:  Some Selected Intersections," Ars Semeiotica 3, 181-240.

23.  1980.  _______________.  "The Teleology of Rhythm in Poetry:  With Examples Primarily From the Russian Syllabotonic Meters,"  Poetics and Theory of Literature 4, 411-50.

24.  1981.  _______________.  "On Subtexts in Russian Literature," Wiener Slawistischer Almanach 7, 289-296.

25.  1981.  _______________.  "Preliminary Notes on the Evolution of Sexual Signs," Journal of Evolutionary Psychology 2, 1-5.

26.  1981.  _______________.  "Stress Shifts Induced by Syllabotonic Rhythm," Russian Literature 10, 31-48.

27.  1981.  _______________.  "Preliminary Remarks on Literary Memetics," AXIA: Davis Symposium on Literary Evaluation, eds. K. Menges and D. Rancour-Laferriere.  Akademischer Verlag Hans-Dieter Heinz, Stuttgart, 77-87.

28.  1981.  _______________.  "Sociobiology and Psychoanalysis:  Interdisciplinary Remarks on the Most Imitative Animal,"  Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought 4, 435-526.

29.  1982.  _______________.  "All the World's a Vertep: The Personification/De-personification Complex in Gogol's Sorochinskaja jarmarka," Harvard Ukrainian Studies 6, 339-371.

30.  1983.  _______________.  "'Ja vas ljubil' Revisited," Russian Poetics, eds. T. Eekman and D. Worth.  Slavica Publishers, Columbus, Ohio, 305-324.

31.  1983.  _______________.  "Four Adaptive Aspects of the Female Orgasm," Journal of Social and Biological Structures 6, 319-333.

32.  1984.  _______________.  "Unstitching Gogol's OVERCOAT: A Retrospective Footnote to Out From Under Gogol's Overcoat,"  Russian Language Journal 38, 187-88.

33.  1985.  _______________.  "The Boys of Ibansk: A Freudian Look at Some Recent Russian Satire," Psychoanalytic Review 72,

34.  1985.  _______________.  "Solzhenitsyn and the Jews: A Psychoanalytic View," Soviet Jewish Affairs 15, 29-54.  Reprinted in:  Russian Literature and Psychoanalysis, ed. D. Rancour-Laferriere.  John Benjamins, Amsterdam, 1989, 143-170.

35.  1985.  _______________.  "The Deranged Birthday Boy: Solzhenitsyn's Portrait of Stalin in The First Circle," Mosaic 18, 61-72.

36.  1986.  _______________.  "Freud, Sigmund (1856-1939)," Encyclopedic Dictionary of Semiotics, ed. T. Sebeok.  Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, Vol. I, 277-278.

37.  1987.  _______________. "Signs of Anality," Semiotica 63, 371-382.

38.  1988.  _______________.  "The God of Solzhenitsyn," The Supernatural in Slavic and Baltic Literature, eds. A. Mandelker and R. Reeder.  Slavica Publishers, Columbus, Ohio, 261-274.

39.  1989.  _______________.  "Pushkin's Still Unravished Bride:  A Psychoanalytic Study of Tat'iana's Dream,"  Russian Literature 25, 215-258.

40.  1989.  _______________.  "Further Remarks on the Teleology of Metrical Rhythm,"  Russian Verse Theory, eds. B. Scherr and D. Worth.  Columbus, Slavica Publishers, 275-285.

41.  1988.  _______________.  "The Mind of Stalin on the Eve of Hitler's Invasion of the Soviet Union," Journal of Psychohistory 15, 481-500.

42.  1988.  _______________.  "Linguistic and Folkloristic Notes on Pasternak's `Khmel','" Canadian-American Slavic Studies 22,

43.  1989.  _______________.  "Shpon'ka's Dream Interpreted,"  Slavic and East European Journal 33, 358-372.

44.  1989.  _______________.  "Introduction:  Russian Literature and Psychoanalysis — Four Modes of Intersection,"  Russian Literature and Psychoanalysis, ed. D. Rancour-Laferriere.  John Benjamins, Amsterdam, 1-38.

45.  1989.  _______________.  "Hélène as Pre-Oedipal Selfobject," Tolstoy Studies Journal 2, 41-52.

46.  1991.  _______________.  "From Incompetence to Satire:  Voinovich's Image of Stalin as Castrated Leader of the Soviet Union in 1941," Slavic Review 50, 36-47.

47.  1991.  _______________.  "Freud Returns to the Soviet Union," Report on the USSR 3/38, 4-11.

48.  1991.  _______________.  "Strakh Stalina: opyt psikhoanaliza," Literaturnaia gazeta — Dos'e, No. 6, 14-15.

49.  1992.  _______________.  "Why the Russian Formalists Had No Theory of the Literary Person," Wiener slawistischer Almanach.  Sonderband 31, 327-337.

50.  1993.  _______________.  "The Couvade of Peter the Great:  A Psychoanalytic Aspect of The Bronze Horseman," Pushkin Today, ed. D. Bethea.  Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 73-85.

51.  1993.  _______________.  "Anna’s Adultery:  Distal Sociobiology vs. Proximate Psychoanalysis," Tolstoy Studies Journal 6, 33-46.

52.  1993.  _______________.  "Lermontov’s Farewell to Unwashed Russia:  A Study in Narcissistic Rage," Slavic and East European Journal 37, 293-304.

53.  1994.  _______________.  "Introduction:  Self-Analysis Enhances Other-Analysis," Self-Analysis in Literary Study, ed. D. Rancour-Laferriere.  New York University Press, New York, 1-34.

54.  1994.  _______________.  "Why Natasha Bumps Her Head:  The Value of Self-Analysis in the Application of Psychoanalysis to Literature," Self-Analysis in Literary Study, ed. D. Rancour-Laferriere.  New York University Press, New York, 130-144.

55.  1994.  _______________.  "Listening to Lev Nikolaevich," Tolstoy Studies Journal 7, 89-93.

56.  1995.  _______________.  "Castratory Imagery in Voinovich's Moscow 2042," Russian Language Journal 49, 193-204.

57.  1995.  Daniel Rancour-Laferriere, Vera Loseva, Aleksej Lunkov.  "Violence in the Garden:  A work by Tolstaja in Kleinian Perspective," Slavic and East European Journal 39, 524-534.

58.  1996.  Daniel Rancour-Laferriere. "Chelovecheskaia seksual’nost’ v svete evoliutsionnogo psikhoanaliza," Arkhetip, no. 1, 45-48.

59.  1996.  _______________.  "Ontogenez nravstvennogo mazokhizma v Rossii," Arkhetip, no. 3-4, 120-124.

60.  1996.  _______________.  "Linguistic Poetics and Narrative Structure:  Introduction to Part IV," Selected Essays of Catherine V. Chvany, ed. O. Yokoyama and E. Klenin.  Slavica Publishers, Columbus, Ohio, 245-249.

61.  1998.  _______________.  "The Illusion of Russia," Mind and Human Interaction 9, 112-127.

62.  1998.  _______________.  "Nadezhda Durova Remembers Her Parents," Russian Literature 44, 457-468.

63.  1998.  _______________.  "La sonate à Kreutzer: une approche kleinienne de l'aversion de Tolstoï pour la sexualité," Gradiva 3, no. 2, 125-149.

64.  1999.  _______________.  "Narcissism, Masochism, and Denial in The Death of Ivan Ilich," The Death of Ivan Il’ich:  A Critical Companion, ed. G. Jahn.  Northwestern University Press, Evanston, Illinois, 117-133.

65.  1999.  _______________.  "Russians React to the Idea of Russian Masochism," Journal of Psychohistory 27, 59-66.

66.  1999.  _______________.  “The Kreutzer Sonata: A Kleinian Approach to Tolstoy’s Hatred of Sex,” Literature and Psychoanalysis: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Conference on Literature and Psychoanalysis, ed. Frederico Pereira.  Lisbon, Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 177-192.

67.  1999.  _______________.  “’Kreitserova sonata’.  Kleinianskii analiz tolstovskogo nepriiatiia seksa,” Psikhoanaliticheskii vestnik, no. 7, 162-176.  (Russian translation of #66).

68.  1999.  _______________.  “Preliminary Remarks on Literary Memetics,” Biopoetics: Evolutionary Explorations in the Arts, ed. Brett Cooke and Frederick Turner.  Lexington, Kentucky, ICUS, 59-70.  (Reprint of #27).

69.  2000.  _______________.  “Lev Tolstoy’s Moral Masochism in the Late 1880s,” One Hundred Years of Masochism: Literary Texts, Social and Cultural Contexts, ed. Michael C. Finke, Carl Niekerk.  Amsterdam, Rodopi, 155-170.

70.  2000.  _______________.  “Assimilationism in Relation to Ethnic Hatred among Russian Nationalists,” Ab Imperio 1, 131-145.

71.  2001.  _______________. “Psikhoanaliticheskie zametki o russkikh ikonakh Bogomateri,”  Vestnik psikhoanaliza no. 1, 71-84.

72.  2001.  _______________.  “Anti-Semitism in Russia:  Some Interactions of Paranoia and Masochism in the Ethnic Realm,” Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society 6, 73-82.

73.  2001.  _______________.  “Psychoanalytic Remarks on Russian Icons of the Mother of God,” Journal of European Psychoanalysis 12-13, 65-78.

74.  2002.  _______________.  “Who Are the Russians?”  Russian Life, no. 6, 64.

75.  2003.  _______________.  “The Moral Masochism at the Heart of Christianity: Evidence from Russian Orthodox Iconography and Icon Veneration,” Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society 8, 12-22.

76.  2003.  _______________.  “Highly Valuable Persons,” Times Literary Supplement, 21 February, 33.

77.  2005.   _______________. “Byl li Tolstoi khristianinom?”  Lev Tolstoi i mirovaia literatura: Materialy III Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii, Iasnaia Poliana 28-30 avgusta 2003 g.  Tula, Iasnaia Poliana, 171-193.

78.  2005.  _______________.  “Does God Exist?  A Clinical Study of the Religious Attitudes Expressed in Tolstoy’s Confession,”  Slavic and East European Journal 49, 446-474.

79.  2007. _______________.  "Observations on Psychoanalysis in Contemporary Russia,"  Clio's Psyche 13/4, 179, 201-204.

80.  2008. _______________.  "K postanovke problemy semiotiki penisa,"  Diskursy telesnosti i erotizma v literature i kul'ture.  Epokha modernizma, ed. Denis G. Ioffe.  Moscow, Ladomir, 53-112.

81.  2008. _______________.  "From Death to Resurrection: The Case of Jesus,"  Clio's Psyche 15/3, 146-148.

82.  2014. _______________.  "Pope Pius XII, the Dogma of Mary's Assumption, and the Holocaust," Clio's Psyche 21/1, 28-32.

83. 2021. _______________. “Death Imagined: From Mother Earth to Dust and Ashes in the Mind of Job,” American Imago 78/1, 1-53.

84. 2023. _______________. “Mourner’s Kaddish and Its Connections: Psychoanalytic Thoughts on Mourning in the Jewish Religious Context.” American Imago 80/2, 279-319.